







  • 中德机器人

  • 人工智能与交叉学科

  • 临床诊疗与转化医学

  • 营造与艺术设计

  • 碳中和与新能源

  • 心理学与脑科学

  • 创新与教育




  • 评选名额:10名

  • 评选对象:48岁以下,在科学研究领域有杰出贡献的中欧青年科学家。


  • 评选名额:10家

  • 评选对象:在技术创新和商业应用方面有突出表现的中欧企业。



  • 科研成果的创新性和影响力

  • 在国际学术界的认可度

  • 对中欧科学交流与合作的贡献


  • 技术创新的独特性和市场影响

  • 企业的社会责任和可持续发展

  • 对中欧经济合作的促进作用



  • 提名/申请表

  • 个人简历或企业简介

  • 参选候选人身份证(护照)、最高学位证复印件 / 参选企业营业执照

  • 主要成果和贡献的详细说明

  • 推荐信(如有)







  1. 提名和初审:提名阶段接受来自中欧各界的推荐和自荐,初审由秘书处进行材料的形式审查和基本信息核实。


  2. 专家评审:通过初审的候选材料提交给评选委员会,委员会成员根据评选标准进行独立评审打分。


  3. 集中评议:评选委员会召开集中评议会议,结合独立评审结果,进行讨论和最终评分,形成获奖名单。


  4. 公示和确认:评审结果将在中欧科学家论坛官方网站进行公示,接受社会监督,公示期结束后确认最终获奖名单。


  5. 颁奖典礼:在论坛最后一天举行隆重的颁奖典礼,获奖者将有机会在大会上展示其成果和经验,并与中欧各界的科学家和企业家进行深入交流。注:原则上获奖者需要亲自到法兰福会场领奖








China-Europe Scientists Forum Outstanding Young Scientist Award and Outstanding Innovative Enterprise Award Selection

Dear Scientists and Entrepreneurs,

We are honored to announce that the China-Europe Scientists Forum will be grandly held in Frankfurt, Germany from October 20to 22, 2024. This forum aims to promote the exchange and cooperation between Chinese and European scientists and entrepreneurs, and to advance scientific research and technological innovation. To this end, we have specially established the "China-Europe Outstanding Young Scientist Award" and the "China-Europe Outstanding Innovative Enterprise Award" to recognize individuals and enterprises with outstanding performance in their respective fields.

Forum Introduction

The China-Europe Scientists Forum is initiated by renowned academicians, professors, and scientists from Germany, France, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Spain, and other countries. The goal is to strengthen academic exchange and cooperation between China and Europe and to foster friendship between the two regions. This forum will bring together top experts from various scientific and technological fields to discuss cutting-edge technology and innovative practices, promoting knowledge sharing and cooperative development.

The forum's sub-forums cover a wide range of academic and applied fields, including:

  • Sino-German Robotics

  • Artificial Intelligence and Interdisciplinary Studies

  • Clinical Diagnosis, Treatment, and Translational Medicine

  • Creation and Art Design

  • Carbon Neutrality and New Energy

  • Psychological and Brain Sciences

  • Innovation and Education

For more information, please visit the forum's official website: China-Europe Scientists Forum.

Award Categories

    China-Europe Outstanding Young Scientist Award:

  • Number of awards: 10

  • Eligibility: Young scientists under 48 years old with outstanding contributions in scientific research within China and Europe.

    China-Europe Outstanding Innovative Enterprise Award:

  • Number of awards: 10

  • Eligibility: Enterprises with outstanding performance in technological innovation and commercial applications within China and Europe.

Selection Criteria

    China-Europe Outstanding Young Scientist Award:

  • Innovation and impact of scientific research results

  • Recognition in the international academic community

  • Contribution to scientific exchange and cooperation between China and Europe

    China-Europe Outstanding Innovative Enterprise Award:

  • Uniqueness and market impact of technological innovation

  • Corporate social responsibility and sustainable development

  • Promotion of economic cooperation between China and Europe

Nomination and Application

We sincerely invite individuals and institutions from all sectors to recommend outstanding candidates and enterprises. The nomination and application should include the following materials:

  • Nomination/Application form

  • Personal resume or enterprise profile

  • Copy of candidate's ID (passport) and highest degree certificate / Copy of enterprise's business license

  • Detailed description of major achievements and contributions

  • Recommendation letters (if available)

Please send the above materials to the following email address: awards@chinaeuropeforum.com. The submission deadline is September 15, 2024. Applicants and recommenders are responsible for the authenticity of the application content. If any false information is found, the award qualification will be canceled.

Selection Process

The selection committee, composed of renowned scientists, scholars, industry experts, and business leaders from China and Europe, is responsible for overseeing and executing the selection of the "China-Europe Outstanding Young Scientist Award" and the "China-Europe Outstanding Innovative Enterprise Award".

Selection Workflow

  1. Nomination and Preliminary Review: The nomination stage accepts recommendations and self-nominations from all sectors in China and Europe. The preliminary review is conducted by the secretariat to check the formality and verify basic information.Nomination and application deadline: September 15, 2024

  2. 2.Expert Review: The preliminarily reviewed candidate materials are submitted to the selection committee. Committee members independently score according to the selection criteria.

    Expert review deadline: September 29, 2024

  3. 3.Centralized Evaluation: The selection committee holds a centralized evaluation meeting to discuss and finalize the scores based on independent reviews, forming the final award list.

    Centralized evaluation date: September 30, 2024

  4. 4.Announcement and Confirmation: The evaluation results will be announced on the official website of the China-Europe Scientists Forum for public supervision. After the public announcement period, the final award list will be confirmed.

    Public announcement period: October 1 to October 7, 2024

  5. 5.Award Ceremony: A grand award ceremony will be held on the last day of the forum. Awardees will have the opportunity to showcase their achievements and experiences at the conference and engage in in-depth exchanges with scientists and entrepreneurs from China and Europe. In principle, winners are required to be present at the Frankfurt venue in person to receive their prizes.

    Award ceremony date: October 21, 2024

We look forward to your participation and support in jointly promoting the prosperity and development of science and technology between China and Europe!

Contact Information


China-Europe Scientists Forum Organizing Committee

June 2024