首届中欧科学家论坛于2024年10月21日于德国法兰克福召开,兰斯巴赫-鲍姆巴赫市市长迈克尔·默兹(Michael Merz)先生致辞:
尊敬的Ludger Johannes教授,
我相信本次论坛将开启合作的新纪元。正如另一句德国谚语所说:“众人拾柴火焰高。”只有团结在一起,我们才能真正产生改变。让我们抓住眼前的机会,积极塑造未来。 在这个精神下,我邀请所有参与者积极参与论坛期间的讨论和工作坊。你们的声音很重要,你们的想法可能是我们所需解决方案的关键。请记住,在这里,每一个新想法、每一次对话以及你们所建立的每一段新联系都可能产生影响。
Dear Mr. Pengfei Wu,
Deputy Consul General of the Chinese Consulate General in Frankfurt,
Dear Professor Dr. Ludger Johannes,
Dear Professors, Scientists, and Scholars,
Honored Guests,
Good day and a very warm welcome!It is a great pleasure and honor for me to speak to you today at the opening of the Chinese-European Scientists Forum. As the Mayor of the City of Ransbach-Baumbach, I would like to extend my heartfelt greetings to all of you on this significant occasion. Even though we are meeting here today in Frankfurt and not directly in Ransbach-Baumbach, it feels as though we are all together, united in achieving something remarkable.
Ransbach-Baumbach is known for its long-standing tradition in the ceramics industry. However, what many may not know is that our city represents far more than just ceramics. We are a place where tradition and innovation go hand in hand. In our workshops, we don’t only rely on tried-and-true techniques but constantly develop and implement new ideas. This blending of the old and the new is a perfect example of the importance of uniting tradition with modernity, which also forms the central theme of this forum: Innovation through Collaboration.
In a world that is rapidly changing, science and technology are the driving forces for a sustainable future. As a well-known German saying goes, "He who does not move with the times, will be removed by the times." This statement is more relevant today than ever before. The challenges we face—whether it be climate change, digitalization, or globalization—require us to be open to new ideas and to promote exchange across borders. This forum offers a valuable platform for exactly that purpose. Here, brilliant minds from China and Europe come together to share their knowledge, develop innovative solutions, and work towards a better future together.
The cooperation between Europe and China has already led to remarkable successes. Let me give you a few examples: In recent years, numerous joint research projects have led to groundbreaking results. Consider the collaborations in the field of renewable energy, particularly in solar energy. Chinese and German scientists have worked together to develop new technologies that have significantly increased the efficiency of solar cells. Such partnerships show just how much we can learn from one another.
Another example is research in artificial intelligence. Universities and companies in both countries have successfully collaborated to develop applications that not only bring economic benefits but also improve our quality of life—whether through intelligent healthcare solutions or by enhancing mobility in our cities.
But it's not just about scientific achievements. It’s also about human exchange and mutual understanding. I recall a personal experience that is very dear to my heart. Several years ago, we hosted a group of Chinese students in Ransbach-Baumbach. During their stay, we shared not only our culture but also our working methods and perspectives. These encounters are crucial for breaking down barriers and building trust. It is these moments that demonstrate the value of cultural exchange and how it contributes to global collaboration.
Dear Scientists, You are the true architects of this future.Your commitment, discoveries, and ideas drive progress and inspire us all. Your work is not only of scientific importance but also has a direct impact on the daily lives of people around the world. Through your research, you develop solutions to the global challenges of our time—whether it’s climate change, healthcare, or fostering a sustainable economy.
I am confident that this forum will usher in a new era of collaboration. As another German proverb goes: "Many hands make light work." Together, we can truly make a difference. Let us seize the opportunities before us and actively shape the future.
In this spirit, I invite all participants to engage actively in the discussions and workshops during the forum. Your voices matter, and your ideas could be the key to the solutions we need. Remember, every new idea, every conversation, and every new connection you make here can make a difference.
In closing, I wish this forum every success. May you enjoy your time in Frankfurt, have engaging conversations, and take home valuable experiences and new insights. I look forward to following the future successes of Sino-European collaboration and to seeing how we can break new ground together.
Thank you for your attention